Monday, September 5, 2011

The Silvermines Tipperary

Monday 05/09/2011

Dragged out of bed at 4am, mood only eased by the steaming hot cup of coffee. flask filled, car packed and we're off! off in search of the abandoned Silvermines in Tipparary. Given the town is called Silvermines you would assume that they would have been staring us in the face! after a few spins around the village, few drive ways pulled into and a some disconcerting looks from villagers (especially the postman we were stalking) we found ourselves taking in a breath taking view with a cuppa cha!

The area has been mined from the 6th century till 1986 for lead, silver, zinc, copper and barytes. Due to the amount of cattle deaths and for peoples safety the North Tipperary County Council is responsible for having the rehabilitation scheme executed.

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