Saturday, September 10, 2011

Loftus Hall

Several people have suggested checking out Loftus Hall to me. The truth is that I did Loftus Hall about a year and a half ago and I'm not sure whats going on there with regards to its new owners so its probably not a good idea to go back there at the moment. There's a facebook page for the house which is being run by somebody who claims to be the security guard. He recently posted a pic of a hole in the ceiling claiming that it was the hole that the devil passed through. This is despite the fact the legend of the devils appearance actually occured in "Redmond Hall" which was demolished in 1870/1871 and was replaced by the current structure.
The security guard also mentions that there is a possibility that the house could be demolished by its new owners, who reportedly purchased the site for the adjoining land. I'm no expert in planning laws or heritage guidelines, but surely it must be a listed building and therefore no application to demolish the structure would be approved. Basically, the only outcome that I can personally see for the hall is that it will be left to rot.
So what did I make of the Hall ? Well, I didn't find it srary ! It does have an eerie feeling throughout the whole site and grounds, but nothing that would deter me from wanting to get inside it ! Despite the fact that the house is alarmed and a security guard is employed to deter intruders, We spent several hours surveying the house exterior and its outbuildings without interruption. Many of the outbuildings were full of rubbish from its days as a hotel and surprisingly, there was a far more unsettling feeling in parts of the old walled in garden than there was in any other part of the site. A pair of beautifully ornate old greenhouses had become so obscured with overgrowth that they were barely distinguishable.
If this house and grounds were ever to be restored, it would need millions spent on it. As the new owners specifically bought the site for the agricultural land that surrounds it, I see no possibility of this happening and it appears that the "legend" of Loftus Hall will eventually fade into obscurity along with the house itself.

Oh, here's a gallery from Flickr of photos taken from inside the house. These photos are not mine !!!

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